Monday, July 2, 2012

Floatation from the future!

Good Morning Moms,
I have found an amazing new floatation device and it is fabulous.  This new life jacket is called, The Puddle Jumper.  We found ours at Walmart for less than $20.00.  I have seen it in most stores that carry swim gear. 

This type of life jacket helps keep the kiddos upright in the water or if anything puts them more on their back.  Bella loves it and feels like she's still independent.  I feel like a regular life jacket throws them forward and face down.  Check out how well she's swimming all by herself at the age of 2. 

I know this post is short but it's quick and simple.  Let me know how you like it!!!! 

By the way, Bella doesn't even want to take hers off.  She's been known to take a nap in her pretty, purple, Puddle Jumper. 

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