Monday, September 17, 2012

Homemade Books

So, one of my many OBSESSIONS is Children's Books.  I collect them and rarely buy something as often as I do, Children Books.  I have passed on my love for books to my perfect daughter, Bella.  She loves reading.  Our day revolves around books and fun themes that coordinate with books we are reading. 

One of my favorite authors (there are so many that I can't pick just one) is, Dr. Seuss.  Of course, I love Dr. Seuss right?  Anyway, one of my favorite books that is from my Dr. Seuss Collection is The Foot Book.  I still read Bella the same book I read over and over as a child.  It even has my name and phone number in it (just in case someone found it and wanted to return it to me...hehe). 

We were studying the letter "O" (I can't wait to finish all the letters and blog about our mini-lessons we have been doing with each letter, stay tuned for that) and I ran out of books that began with the letter "O" so I started reading books that had a lot of "O"s in them.  When we got to The Foot Book, I felt like it would be super fun to make our own book as a family.  Bella LOVED it and actually the whole family got in on the fun. 

Please look over our book and try to make one with your family too.  It really was easy and SOOOO much fun. 

First, it's important to map out how your book is going to read.  Then, time to start the fun :) 
I thought it was easiest to do all the footprints and then organize the book in order while they dry.  Adding details and making it pretty was my favorite part.  Well, actually it was all really fun. 

She kept saying it tickled. 

Everyone had to do it....EVEN HOMER our Bassett Hound

Bella brought him over for us.  However, it was a family job to do the footprint. 

Don't worry, he got a treat after the ordeal for such good behavior. 

After the prints were completed and I began organizing the pages, Bella did her magic on the cover.  Our cover was made with a paper bag that I cut to size. 

Here is our Final Copy!

There are several ways to make a simple book like this.  I just punched two holes in the left side and tied a black ribbon to hold everything together.  I had all the supplies to make this at home but if you are looking, I know it can be found at the Dollar Store for a grand total of under $5. 

Please, let me know what you think and post pictures from your fun.  I can't wait to make more books and keep them for Bella to look through for years and endless memories!!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Compost Craze

I know what you're thinking, compost is gross and stinky.  However, I have two options that are easy and stink proof. 

Option #1:  Holey Trash Can

First, just go to the store and buy a trash can (costs less than $10) and drill holes all over it.  Then, all you have to do is toss your yard scraps, kitchen scraps and shredded newspaper.  Every once in a while I make sure it's damp and decomposing well.  This was my latest photo taken of the process. 

Imagine what will happen to all those leaves in the fall.  I can just shove them in here and let them work for me all winter until my Springtime Garden is ready.  This is nice because it's outside, no smells and can hold a lot of stuff:) 

Option #2:  Worm Factory

For my birthday my sweet husband got a very romantic Worm Composter.  I was sooo happy.  This may sound terrible but it really is an easy and interesting process.  There are several bins in which are either "working bins" or "ready bins" to go in the garden that is. 
This picture was taken in my basement so it is clear that there is no odor either.  I did have it in the garage but it got too hot this year and the worms weren't happy.  I know it sounds silly but once you get to know your worms, it is obvious when they are thriving or struggling.  I really like having the worms because it is much quicker and super easy to just put your kitchen scraps in the bin once a week or so.  An established Worm Composter will use approximately 1 pound of food scraps a day.  The clever thing about this is it uses scraps and newspaper or even dryer lint.  Isn't that crazy?  I have the bin sitting down by my laundry and cna just toss the dryer lint in there too:)  A good mixture is about 50% scraps and 50% fiber (newspaper, dryer lint, egg cartoons, coffee filters/tea bags, etc.).  Once the worms are established it will only take a couple months for a full bin of amazing compost. 

This is my gorgeous bin ready for the garden.  I just have to find a spot that is worthy of this perfect soil. 

The worms are smart and as soon as the soil is drained of all it's nutrients they move up to the next bin.  Here is a picture of my "working bin."

Just under that newspaper is a ton of worms working hard for me:) 

I understand that this is a bit harder to try and it's not for everyone.  hehe  I love bugs and worms and dirt and not everyone is into this kind of stuff.  If you are a little interested just try the trash can first and go from there!!!!  I love how I'm recycling and reusing the things that would jsut be tossed aside!!!!